Custom WordPress Website Development for Health-Tech


Imagine a health organization with a vision to transform lives, but struggling to reach its audience effectively. This was the challenge faced by our client, Brainstem Health.

Brainstem Health, a mental health clinic, sought to establish a robust online presence to better connect with its audience and provide valuable resources and services. However, the client faced challenges in creating a dynamic and interactive website that could handle their extensive content and provide a seamless user experience.

They needed a digital platform that could not only reflect their commitment to health and wellness but also engage their audience in a meaningful way. Our goal was to create a custom WordPress website that could bring their vision to life, effectively showcase their services, and provide a seamless user experience. This was more than just a project; it was an opportunity to make a real difference in people’s lives.

Tech Stack

CMS: WordPress
Database: MySQL
JavaScript Frameworks: GSAP
Others: PHP, JQuery


Our solution was to design and develop a custom WordPress website tailored to the client’s needs. We leveraged the power of GSAP to create engaging animations, enhancing the overall user experience. We used PHP and JQuery for server-side scripting, simplifying HTML document traversing event handling, and animation. MySQL was used to manage the website’s data efficiently, ensuring fast and reliable performance.

Brainstem Health

We have focused on these three key aspects while developing a website for our client-

Functionality: We created a feature-rich website with essential functionalities such as appointment scheduling, contact forms, and service listings. Through custom development and integration of third-party plugins, we ensured that the website catered to the specific needs of Brainstem Health and its clients.

User Experience: By using GSAP, we implemented smooth animations and transitions to enhance the user experience and create an engaging interface. From intuitive navigation to visually appealing design elements, every aspect of the website was designed with the user in mind, facilitating easy exploration and interaction.

Content Management: Using WordPress as the CMS, we provided Brainstem Health with a user-friendly platform to manage their website content efficiently. Custom templates and streamlined workflows empowered the client to update information, publish blog posts, and showcase their services effortlessly, keeping the website dynamic and up-to-date.

Final Words

Working with Brainstem Health has been truly rewarding. We’re dedicated to creating websites that work for our clients, and this project was no exception. By understanding their unique needs and leveraging our technical expertise, we’ve not only created a website but also laid the foundation for their digital success.

We believe that this collaboration marks the beginning of a transformative journey for Brainstem Health, empowering them to reach more individuals and make a meaningful difference in the mental health landscape. We look forward to continuing our partnership and supporting their mission every step of the way.

Client’s Feedback

We are delighted with the outcome of our collaboration with Webzia Infotech. From the initial consultation to the final delivery, the team demonstrated professionalism, expertise, and a genuine commitment to our project. Our new website not only reflects our brand identity but also provides us with the tools and capabilities to connect with our audience effectively. Thank you for your dedication and hard work.

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